Discover the Future of Web Development: Test .NET 7.0 Preview Release on Adaptive Hosting Today

  • Wednesday, 30th March, 2022
  • 12:09pm

In case you missed it, the .NET 7.0 Preview 1 has been unveiled! While it's not yet the final release, Microsoft has introduced the preview versions of .NET 7.0, ASP.NET Core 7, and Entity Framework 7. The primary focus of .NET 7.0 is to enhance container and cloud development, promising significant improvements for .NET developers working with these technologies.

Key highlights of .NET 7.0 Preview 1 include:

  • API annotations for nullability support
  • Introduction of new APIs
  • Continued JIT compiler optimizations
  • Expansion of hot reload scenarios

With Adaptive Hosting, you can test .NET 7 Hosting in our environment by running it in "self-contained" mode, allowing you to upload only the necessary elements within your website space. Please note that .NET 7.0 is not yet approved for production use, and we currently do not provide support for this preview release. For guidance on converting a framework-dependent application to self-contained in Visual Studio, refer to our article. Microsoft anticipates the official release of .NET 7.0 in November 2022, at which point Adaptive will offer full support.

You can download the .NET 7 Preview 1 for Windows, macOS, and Linux. However, Microsoft recommends that developers interested in targeting this version use a preview channel version of Visual Studio for Windows, such as Visual Studio 17.2 Preview 1, instead of the recently released Visual Studio 2022 version 17.1.

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