What are the steps to remotely manage my SQL Server 2019 or SQL Server 2022 database with SQL Server Management Studio? Print

  • ssms, sql server management studio, sql remote database manage
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This article covers 3 steps needed to connect to your hosted Microsoft SQL Server database with Adaptive. 

Step 1: Install SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

  1. Download and install the last version of SQL Server Management Studio

Step2: Find your Database Information

  1. When you create a database in the Plesk Control Panel you give the database a name and username and password.  This is the information you'll need to connect.
  2. Note the SQL server hostname was sent to you in the Welcome Hosting Account email when your account was created; for example sql2022.adaptivewebhosting.com.

Step 3: Connect to your database using SSMS

  1. Launch Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
  2. The Server type should be Database Engine
  3. Enter the server hostname (see above)
  4. Authentication is SQL Server Authentication
  5. Enter your database username (see above)
  6. Enter your database password (see above)
  7. Click Connect
  8. Find your database in the list to manage.

If you have any questions let us know and open a support ticket.

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