How can I upgrade/downgrade my Hosting Plan? Print

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To upgrade or downgrade your hosting plan, follow these steps:

  1. Login: Access your client area by entering your login credentials at

  2. Locate Services: Navigate to the "Services" section, found in the top menu, and Select "My Services".

  3. Choose your service: Select the hosting plan you want to upgrade by clicking on its name.

  4. Request an upgrade/downgrade: Find the "Upgrade/Downgrade",  located on the left sidebar.


   5. Compare plans: Review the available hosting plans and select the desired upgrade by clicking the corresponding "Choose Product" button.

   6. Confirm: Verify the details of your upgrade, including the new plan, billing cycle, and any prorated charges.

   7. Proceed to checkout: Complete the upgrade process by following the on-screen instructions to make the necessary payment.

   After upgrading, we will typically apply the changes automatically, and you should receive a confirmation email with the updated plan details.

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