Most hosting accounts are activated within a few minutes of signing up. However, for Adaptive Web Hosting, each new account goes through an approval process before any hosting or registration services can be used. This is to verify the account setup details and ensure that the information provided is legitimate, protecting against fraudulent accounts.
If your account's status shows as "Pending" for more than a few hours after signing up, this means that the automated approval system was unable to approve the account on its own. This could be due to incomplete signup information or issues with payment details. Some of the reasons why your account may still be pending include:
- The information you provided did not match the credit card details, and the system is checking to prevent fraud.
- The signup process did not complete, resulting in only a UserID being created.
- The automated approval system may take longer to process requests if there are many other pending accounts.
- Your order may require manual review by a human being before activation.
To screen its customers, Adaptive Web Hosting uses FraudLabs Pro and Stripe, which performs comprehensive fraud validation on all elements such as geolocation, proxy, email, credit card, transaction velocity, and others to accurately identify fraudulent orders.
If your order is marked as fraud, please allow some time for us to validate the order as it could be a false positive given the strict rules in place. Once the order has been verified, you will receive a Hosting Account Welcome Email.